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As we get older, our bodies need extra care in the form of fitness routines that heal and not harm. Yoga isn’t about tying yourself into painful knots; it’s about staying mobile, keeping your joints fluid and adding a surge of energy to your day.
At the age of 57, and after being a certified yoga teacher for the past 15 years, I know the benefits of a regular practice of easy stretches on our bodies as well as on our whole selves.
When you allow yourself to relax in a pose, your heart rate lowers as you tap into your parasympathetic nervous system. You’re stimulating blood flow to the targeted area, which then warms and hydrates your deep tissues. That hydration allows for movement as you settle into the stretch. And this is the sweet spot where you stay.
According to research cited by the National Library of Medicine: “Multiple, well-designed studies provide data showing that yoga practice has positive effects on cellular aging, mobility, balance, mental health and prevention of cognitive decline — all areas of concern for older adults.”
Here are four simple yoga practices to do right at home — no mat, no fancy gear — just you, your breath and good intentions.
Of course, if you have any medical conditions or injuries, confer with your doctor before starting a yoga practice.

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Let’s start simple. This is yoga’s version of “stand tall and proud.”
Caution: If you have balance issues, place a hand on a sturdy chair for support. Safety first.
Mountain Pose is your posture check-in. It improves balance, encourages good alignment and reminds you to stay lifted. No hunching, ladies!
How To:
● Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
● Root down into your feet like you’re grounding yourself to the earth.
● Micro-bend your knees, gently engage the muscles in your bum and lift your pelvic floor (think: pucker your perineum inward and upward).
● Roll your shoulders back, open up your chest and let your arms hang by your sides.
● Lift the top of your head toward the ceiling, elongating your spine.
● Breathe slowly for 7 deep breaths.
Keep your hands on something for support. There’s no such thing as cheating in yoga! For more of a challenge, reach arms directly overhead with palms inward.
*If standing isn’t possible, practice this pose in a seated position.

2. Sufi Circles (or Sufi Grind)
This one’s all about giving your core a little love. Bonus: It feels ah-mazing.
Caution: If you have a sensitive tailbone, sit on a folded blanket or cushion.
Benefits: This practice stretches your core, eases stiffness, and helps with spinal flexibility. Plus, it gets the blood moving without breaking a sweat.
How To:
● In a seated position, palms down on your legs, circle your torso in one direction then switch.
● Inhale as you lean forward and exhale as you lean back.
● Repeat for 7 slow breaths, then change direction.
If getting on the floor is not an option, try sitting in a chair instead.

3. Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)
This isn’t about touching your toes; it’s about stretching your back, hamstrings and, yes, your patience!
Caution: Modify (see below) or skip this pose if you have spinal stenosis, osteoporosis, or tight hamstrings that scream louder than your grandkids. Keep a gentle bend in the knees, if needed.
Benefits: This pose can stretch your entire back body, from neck to heels.
How To:
● Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight out in front of you.
● Flex your feet and sit up tall, rooting through your sit bones.
● Inhale, lengthen your torso. Exhale, hinge forward from your hips (not your waist).
● Rest your hands wherever they land — knees, shins or toes. No judgment.
● Stay for 7 long, slow breaths.
If you’re seated in a chair, rest your elbows or torso on the thighs and let the head hang. Also, a standing forward fold can be amazing too! Lean your hands or elbows on the kitchen counter, a chair, or your bed. Keep a gentle bend in your knees and/or feet a bit wider than hip distance.

4. Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
This is the yoga equivalent of a spa day. Minimal effort, maximum relaxation.
Caution: If you have glaucoma, high blood pressure, or any discomfort in your lower back, skip this pose or place a pillow under your hips for support.
Benefits: This pose reduces aching and swelling in your legs and feet, relaxes the pelvic floor, improves circulation and calms the mind. It’s basically a hug for your whole body.
How To:
● Sit sideways next to a wall.
● Lie down on your side, wiggle your bum toward the baseboard, then tiptoe your feet up the wall, forming an L-shape with your body.
● Rest your arms at your sides or your hands on your abdomen.
● Set your timer, ideally for 10-20 minutes.
● Close your eyes and breathe. When your timer sounds, gently exit the pose the same way you entered.
Pause on your side for 10 normal, natural breaths if you struggle with vertigo.* If getting on the floor is not an option, try this pose on your bed instead.
*Because of my hearing loss, I pause on my side every time I enter and exit this pose. This gives the inner ear time to acclimate to the body’s position during transition.
A Few Final Thoughts
Yoga is meant to work with your body, not against it. Listen to what your body tells you — if a pose doesn’t feel right, simply modify or skip it. You’re not here to impress anyone but yourself.
One year from turning 80, Helen Mirren mentions yoga as a part of her wellness routine: “I try to do a little bit of yoga every day. I think of all the things I do, that’s probably the most valuable, mentally and physically. I’m not a mad yoga fiend. A little 10, 15, 20 minutes a day, just to center myself and to make my body move.”
Long, slow breaths help you relax and get the most out of each pose. So here we go: sit comfortably, inhale slowly, then when you exhale, open your mouth for a gentle sigh and a smile. See? You are relaxed already.
Yoga doesn’t require a studio or an audience. You can practice in your living room, on your back porch and even in your pajamas. Roll out of bed, stretch it out and enter each day with a boost in agility and in spirit.
Do any of you practice yoga? How often do you do it? Let us know in the comments below.