Nancy Sharp is an award-winning author, speaker, and storytelling coach who helps people cultivate greater resilience by telling and owning the stories that have shaped who they are and who they want to become. Nancy teaches Guided Autobiography workshops and helps individuals and groups in every corner of the globe to create Life Letters that convey meaningful family history, lessons, stories, and values for themselves, their communities, and future generations. Nancy authored the memoir Both Sides Now: A True Story of Love, Loss, and Bold Livingand the children’s book Because the Sky is Everywhere. Her work has been published in several essay anthologies, and articles, essays, columns, and letters by her have appeared in The New York Times, Katie Couric's Wake-Up Call, Next Avenue, The Huffington Post, journals for the American Academy of Psychotherapists, and elsewhere. Nancy teaches legacy writing workshops online and hosts several annual creativity and Life Letters retreats. Learn more at
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