Linda Yellin is the author of Such A Lovely Couple about her first marriage and The Last Blind Date about her second marriage. No new husbands were involved in the writing of her novel, What Nora Knew. Before its bemoaned demise, she was More magazine’s go-to for their wacky assignments…stumbling through a dance class with the Rockettes; trying to pass vibrators disguised as cosmetics through airport security; test-driving kegel exercise panties. Her essays in The Boston Globe and The Chicago Tribune have all resulted in upset family members. They send indignant notes to her social media accounts. Website: Facebook: Instagram: @LindaYellin
Linda Yellin
Linda's Articles
Yes, you actually may be able to make them look more youthful.
Linda Yellin
, October 20, 2023
4 Min Read
Yes, you really can replace self-criticism with praise.
Linda Yellin
, September 21, 2023
4 Min Read
What you need to know about modern etiquette post-Emily Post.
Linda Yellin
, June 8, 2023
4 Min Read