Elena Bowes is a freelance writer and producer of a twice monthly podcast Elena Meets the Author featuring authors of books she loves. These episodes air monthly for 26, a United Kingdom site for writers, and she also interviews authors for New York’s esteemed Cosmopolitan Club. Among the many publications she has written for include: British House & Garden, Architectural Digest, Town & Country, Galerie Magazine and The Ethel. Elena splits her time between New York City and London, the latter where she lived for 30 years until following her second husband Stretch to the Big Apple. Her two daughters and two adorable grandchildren live in London, while her son lives in Manhattan. Her work may be viewed at elenabowes.com.
Elena Bowes
Elena 's Articles
These are the traits that can lead to long-term love later in life.
Elena Bowes
, December 12, 2024
5 Min Read
I get to entertain her endlessly — and then I get to leave!
Elena Bowes
, August 8, 2024
4 Min Read